
Seven phases of life








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U know Life ends after marriage


Wife: Yesterday I saw a very Beautiful Girl.

Husband: Really ??

Then what happened?

Wife: I just kept on Admiring her, On & On..

Husband (Gets Irritated): But,

what happened then?






Wife Smiled & said: Then What ??

I Simply Moved away from the Mirror !!!


Millions of people write Love Letters.
But everyone send there 1st love letter mostly to me,
Just imagine how lucky I m!
Great words
Said by
** DUST BIN **


A: I have the perfect son.
B: Does he smoke?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he drink whiskey?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he ever come home late?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
A: He will be six months old next Wednesday. 

Funny Joke

What is the difference b/w secretary & private secretary?
Secretary says GOOD MORNING SIR
Private secretary says ITS MORNING SIR

funny Joke

Wife:-I will die.
Husband:- I will also die.

Wife:-why will you die?
Husband:- because I can't bear that much happiness

HomeRemedies for bad breath

  • Gargle your mouth with salt water 
  • Brush your teeth with baking soda or lemon juice
  • Fenugreek (methi) seeds Tea:
  • Take a 1/2 liter of water and put to boil add a teaspoon of fenugreek seed to it and boil. Strain away all the seeds and take this tea 3-4 times a day. This is one of the effective home remedy 
  • Chewing on mint leaves helps to reduce bad smell from mouth
  •  Before sleeping rinse your mouth with a glass of lukewarm water with a juice of half lemon
  •  Drinking green tea will help to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth

nail art

simple design

Nail art

Nail art

Home remedies to cure Dandruff

  • Apply aloe Vera gel on the scalp. Leave on for 15 minutes and then shampoo your hair.
  • Soak a handful of fenugreek or methi seeds in some water (or sour curd) overnight. Next day, grind it and apply all over the scalp. Leave it for an hour and wash off.
  • Prepare a mixture of equal amounts of Lemon juice and water. After shampooing the hair, use this  mixture for the last rinse

Home Remedies for White Skin

  • Cucumber mask: Put a cucumber, 1/4 cup of lemon juice, 5 teaspoons of honey, and 5 teaspoons of milk into a blender. Blend until well mixed. Pour mixture into a bowl. Stir in flour until the mixture gets a thick consistency. Refrigerate for 6 hours. Apply to your face once daily after you shower. You should leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and wash it off with warm water and a clean towel.
  • Make an almond mask: Soak some almonds in water overnight. Dump out water, blend almonds with either honey or milk, and apply as a paste to skin. After it dries, wash it off gently
  • Make a tomato mask: Another natural bleaching agent, tomato can be mixed raw with a bit of lemon juice and applied as a paste to the skin. Leave for 15 minutes before washing off

curing sore throat

Gargle with hot water by adding a pinch of salt into it, it helps in curing the sore throat.

Home remedy for cold and cough

While preparing your tea, add few tulsi leaves and crushed ginger to it along with black pepper, it is much relief for cough and cold. 

Home remedy for dry hair

-Massage the scalp using hot oil. You can either use coconut oil or olive oil for best results 

tip to boost the growth of your nails

Soak them in orange juice for ten minutes and then risen them off. Since orange juice contains folic acid and vitamin C, both of which help in nail growth

peacock muggu

Tips for natural pink lips

1.Apply some beetroot juice on your lips before you go to bed. Since beetroot acts as a natural stain, by the time you wake up in the morning, you'll have natural looking pink lips.

2.Grind red rose petals finely and use them on your lips. Not only will they give a rosy colour to your lips, but will also keep them healthy

Homemade body lotion

Mix 1 tbsp of limejuice with 1 tbsp of glycerin and 1 tbsp of rose water. Mix well and store in a glass bottle. Apply daily 1/2 an hour before a bath or apply at bedtime and wash in the morning

Dark skin on elbow

Mix carrot, sugar and salt. Apply some oil on the elbow and then rub the elbow area with this regularly. This will remove the dark spots on elbow

Face glow pack

Make a paste of carrot, milk powder and sugar and apply on face. This will increase the face glow. Apply once in a week minimum

Makeup Enhancer

Makeup enhancer
Before applying makeup apply a pack of carrot and orange and do a circular massage. Wash it off with cold water after 20 min. Then apply make makeup. This will enhance the makeup effect

home remedy for treating mens forehead wrinkles

For men's forehead wrinkles ,you must apply the puree of raw papaya and banana .Papaya contains papain an enzyme that speeds up new cell renewal process in your skin .Banana has the vitamins that have  the power to  rejuvenate your skin and treat wrinkles/ premature wrinkles .You must try this easy home remedy at home for treating wrinkles.

5 home remedies for treating wrinkles naturally

  •  Grind onions ,and apply on your face to cure wrinkles naturally .You can use this wrinkle treatment easily at home.
  • Take 2 spoons of fine flour with olive oil; apply on your skin .Leave this mixture for 30 minutes. Wash off with rose water after that.
  •  Apply milk cream with lemon juice as a home remedy at home to cure wrinkles.
  • Massage with coconut oil to treat wrinkles naturally at home .Coconut oil can be applied at bedtime for lightening your skin, and scar treatment. Try this easy home remedy.
  •  Massage your face and neck with ripe papaya to treat wrinkles naturally .You can apply papaya for brightening and whitening your complexion at home also as a home remedy.

Reduce pore size

Make a mix of tomato pulp with few drops of lemon. Apply this mix to your face and emphasize mainly on your nose, chin and forehead as these are the areas where pores are mainly at their largest. Let the mix dry for 10 minutes and then wash your face with water to shrink pores, and moisturize. Do this on regular basis as it is a great remedy for reducing pore size.

beauty uses of tomatoes

Applying tomatoes slices; tomato juice or tomato paste to your hair enhances the natural PH of the hair and helps in getting back its natural colour. Tomato acts as a conditioner and brings shine to luster less hair.
To get rid of dandruff apply tomato pulp to your scalp and leave it for half an hour and then shampoo your 
hair. This is a very effective way and time tested remedy to get rid of dandruff by using natural treatment.

simple muggu

pongal muggu

peacock muggu

simple muggu

pongal muggu

flowers muggu

flowers muggu

Recipe for glowing skin

Recipe for skin rejuvenation: 1/2 cup ripe papaya pulp, 1/4 cup coconut milk, 1/4 cup of oat flakes. Run the mixture on your face and neck gently for about 5 minutes. Wash off with milk and water and notice the glow for yourself.

Recipe for skin glow:
1/2 cup ripe papaya pulp, 4 tsps orange juice, 4 tsps carrot juice, 1 tsp honey or glycerin. Mix the above ingredients and apply or massage the pack all over the face and neck.

Regular applications of the above two-treatments can do wonders to the face.

Tip for glowing Skin

- Mix one teaspoon honey with one teaspoon tomato juice. Leave it on the face or body for 10 minutes and wash it off with ordinary water.

to refresh tired skin

 Here's a way to refresh tired skin: Mix one teaspoon vinegar with one teaspoon rosewater. Apply on skin and leave for 10 minutes. Wash it off with ordinary water.

tips for glowing skin

 Coconut milk is excellent for skin care, especially in winter. Take half a cup of coconut milk. Use half of it to apply it over the face and body. Mix the rest with red sandalwood powder, apply the paste on the face. It can also be applied all over the body. It exfoliates your skin.

worried about your hair care? see this

 list of ingredients that you should avoid when you buy a good shampoo for healthy hair.

Sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate
This ingredient in shampoos is used as detergent and cleaning agents in industries. This chemical is also know to be carcinogenic.

When this chemical comes in contact with other hair products, chemicals can form carcinogenic. It can prove harmful when it is absorbed into the skin.

It is known to affect estrogen levels, therefore cause an imbalance in hormonal levels.

Formaldehyde is also known as doazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea, and quarternium-15 and is an embalming agent.

Ammonium Lauryl, Laureth Sulfate and Ammonium Xylene Sulfonate
These chemicals work as a cleansing, foaming agents and tends to leave your hair dry.

These are the most important chemicals that affect you without knowing it. If your shampoo contains these ingredients it's time to change it. Let's not be fooled by attractive pricing and ads at the cost of your hair.

tips to get rid of under eye puffiness

1. Go potato: Slice a raw potato (after refrigerating for a couple of minutes) into two and circle the closed eyes gently with those halves. Place it on your eyes so that it also covers the puffed ares under your eyes and leave it like that for 15-20 minutes. You'll notice a tremendous change in those bags as they'll be diminished in size.

2. Milky way: If you have extremely puffed up eyes this is the regular regime that you will have to follow. Dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on your eyelids and relax for 20-30 minutes. This well help your eyes in water retention and it would also cool them off .

flowers muggu

butterfly muggu

flower muggu