Homemade facial scrubs

  • Banana Scrub:Mash 1/2 banana and add 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons sour cream in it. Apply this mixture on your face and let set for about 10 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
  • Papaya Scrub: Add ½ teaspoon of brown sugar to a piece of papaya and blend smoothly. Scrub on your face for few minutes. Rinse well. Your skin will glow and you will experience a fresh feeling.
  • Rose Almond Face Scrub:1 tsp rosewater,1/2 tsp almond flour or finely ground almonds.Mix into paste and apply.
  • Honey Sugar Scrub:1 tsp of honey,1/2 tsp of sugar. blend in bowl.Apply

heart earrings

long ethnic earrings

designer earrings

pearl earrings

stone earrings

home remedies to regrow your eyebrows

  1. Coco-lemon:Take 1/4 cup of coconut oil and blend it in a clean container with sliced lemon peel after which inculcate the mixture in a dark place for a fortnight.Take the mixture and dab over your eyebrows daily from a cotton ball right before going to bed. One can use this as long as they wish provided there is no irritation on the skin, and just avoid direct sunlight on eyebrows for 2 hours right after you apply this to fend irritation from citrus.
  2. Aloe-vera: If you have thinning eyebrow hair due to overplucking then you should definitely try the sap from aloe vera leaves on them. Crush aloe vera leaves and gently massage the juice over your eyebrows and let it seep in. The modulation effect of aloe vera helps in skin healing and increasing growth furthermore.
  3. Grind an onion and rub the juice below eyebrow skin with help of cotton balls. Make sure you do not wash your eyebrows so that you derive its full benefit.

whiten your teeth naturally

Add a little baking soda to your toothbrush and brush normally