Homemade facial scrubs

  • Banana Scrub:Mash 1/2 banana and add 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons sour cream in it. Apply this mixture on your face and let set for about 10 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
  • Papaya Scrub: Add ½ teaspoon of brown sugar to a piece of papaya and blend smoothly. Scrub on your face for few minutes. Rinse well. Your skin will glow and you will experience a fresh feeling.
  • Rose Almond Face Scrub:1 tsp rosewater,1/2 tsp almond flour or finely ground almonds.Mix into paste and apply.
  • Honey Sugar Scrub:1 tsp of honey,1/2 tsp of sugar. blend in bowl.Apply

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